
Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Grace Kids - Are Loved at GCC!
We exist to provide a place for our children to be safe and to create 
a learning environment for children to love Jesus and to know they are loved by Him.
We hope to teach them to know the Bible and the God who wrote it to them!


Grace Kids Alive!
Every Wednesday, GCC offers an evening kids program for K-5th grade students from 6-7:30 PM. This evening is filled with food, fun, music, crafts, and a Bible lesson time for kids! All children from Effingham and surrounding areas welcome. We pray that you will bring your kid to have fun and worship with us at Grace Kids Alive!


Nursery Ministry
Children's Small Group
Children’s Church
Provided for infants and toddlers during Sunday Worship 10:30am to 12:00pm for Infants through age 4.
Nursery is staffed by loving, nurturing volunteers. It is our goal to sing with your children about the love of God and to instruct them in the wonderful teachings of the Bible.
Background checks are required on all GCC Children's Ministry volunteers.
Qualified, Volunteer Security Staff is on campus during worship hour.

Children's Small Group
We are focusing on providing an excellent learning time for our precious children, K-5th grade during our weekly Small Group for Children. Children's Small Group Meets during the small group hour every Sunday morning!
Background checks are required on all GCC Children's Ministry volunteers.
Qualified, Volunteer Security Staff is on campus during worship hour.

Children’s Church
Provided during Morning Worship Service for Children K-5th grade. Children are dismissed following the Praise and Worship portion of the morning service.
Age appropriate lessons for some of the the youngest members of our fellowship.
Our Children's Ministry team has mapped out lessons for our children with intentionality that they learn the Bible Stories during this time in their spiritual upbringing. Such a valuable investment, as they will carry these lessons with them for the rest of their lives.
On 5th Sundays, we do not have Children’s Church, but we offer interactive coloring packets to keep children occupied throughout the service .
Our children are loved and prayed for by the children's ministry team of volunteers and our leadership.